Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Life with a two-year old is extremely interesting and challenging.  I couldn't have imagined how trying it can be and is.  My sweet little baby who just a few months ago said, "yeah" to  almost everything I suggested is now responding with "no".  And not just "no", but " no. No. NO!"  It his go-to response to any question or suggestion.  I am constantly checking my attitude to try and maintain patience and composure.  I know I can't be perfect and Lord knows I am not, but I want to respond lovingly to instruct and guide my boy.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm even on the right track the way that I handle some of the situations that arise.  That's another conversation altogether...
The interesting part does outweigh the challenging part, for sure.  It's a blast to be a part of the games he creates and to discover the world again through his experiences.  It is amazing the things I realize I've been taking for granted when Bobby discovers them himself for the first time.  Beautiful world.  Beautiful life.
He's learning so much right now and growing by leaps and bounds.  Where just a few weeks ago he wouldn't try certain things he is trying them now.  He is still shy about trying different foods and happily sticks to his staples/favorites, however he is now trying to pronounce any new word he hasn't mastered.  This is a lot of fun!  It's awesome to hear him work to figure things out.  I try to encourage him every time he does this even if we don't connect on what he's actually trying to say.  He keeps trying and doesn't get frustrated too often with this.
Bobby is also learning to be a big brother.  As his baby brothers get older too (11 months old already!) they are demanding more interaction and more of his attention.  Most of the time he will give it and is easily directed to share or help them grab a sippy cup or find a favorite toy.  He is even sharing his blankies with them, which is really something special!
I keep reminding myself to try to just hang in with whatever this phase in his life brings because too soon he won't be two anymore.  One of the very reasons I started this blog was to remind myself and to encourage others to slow down, smell the roses, take in the scenery, enjoy every moment, be present even in the midst of trials and challenges.
My two-year old makes life very interesting, very challenging and very fun.  I can't imagine a day without him and I thank God he is in my life.  I am becoming a better person for it.