Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hearing Voices

A friend posted the following Scripture on Facebook earlier this week (thanks Amy) and I've been holding on to it for the past few days:

Isaiah 30:21 "Whether you turn to the right or to the left you will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it'."

In this time of information-gathering and just listening, I've been waiting to hear that Voice.  There have been a lot of voices lately but I'm seeking the peace to move forward, as my mom so wisely encouraged me to do.  My husband is faithfully and patiently accompanying me to any and every person I can think of to ask or seek advice from since being diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma (breast cancer) earlier this month.  This last week has truly been a roller coaster as I've visited a Naturopath, a surgeon,  a Naprapath and have shot off a number of emails to other people I wanted to hear from in regards to their treatment and experience.
I've been devastated after sitting in offices where health care professionals discuss  their treatment plans that include chemotherapy, radiation and mastectomy.  I've been hopeful while sitting with natural medicine practitioners who have seen the healing power of foods, supplements, exercise and a positive attitude.  (All things that I am currently utilizing).
If I am honest, and I've promised to be honest, it scares me to think about having chemo and introducing more toxins into my body.  It seems so counterintuitive to subject myself to that.  I've had chemotherapy before and know it is a treatment that is very difficult on the body.
On the flip side, the thought of not going through chemotherapy scares me.  It is standard medical treatment and in some respects I think people would consider me crazy for not following medical advise.  So, chemo, scary; no chemo, scary.
Then there's the topic of surgery.  I've had so many surgeries in my lifetime.  The idea of another surgery is unwelcome to say the least.  In the course of the many discussions I've had and things I've read, the surgery aspect of the proposed medical treatment is a preventative measure in hopes of reducing the risk for recurrence.  From anything I've read or from what I understand cancer can't simply be "cut out" anyway.
So there you have it.  I'm wrestling with all of the voices that continue to speak their truth to me.  The medical doctor's speaking from what they understand and the natural care professionals speaking from what they understand.  Everyone I've encountered seemed well-intentioned and concerned.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a Voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it'."  I'm waiting to hear THAT Voice.

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