Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 1, Done

7 am: Rise and Shine!  (Couldn't sleep more than 3 hours total last night due to gas pain, so I was already up when it was time to be up.)

Up and Dressed, out the door before 8:30.

Hearty breakfast of eggs, turkey sausage and whole grain toast.

Pre-medicated with Decadron.

To The Block Center around 9ish.

10 minutes on the treadmill for some detoxifying cardio!  (At least 10 minutes of cardio prior to treatment reduces the toxicity of that treatment by around 80%!)

Have my Scripture ready: Hebrews 4:16, "Let us approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (Thanks for that one, Amy!)

Vital signs taken.  Lookin' good!

Have my mantra ready: "God in, cancer out!"  (Thanks for that one, Jennifer!)

Pre-medication drugs (the "rescue drugs") started after 10 am.

Took pics and sent photo updates, including silly pole dancing photo :)

Drank water.
Headed for the loo.

Prayed over chemo bag before the meds entered my body.  Directed it to join my army already deployed to fight the cancer.  Used visualization here for a targeted attack on the cancer.
Actual chemotherapy started after 11am.  SLIGHT reaction to said chemo.  More steroids given to keep airway open and chemotherapy resumed successfully.  This drug is given with cryotherapy (cold packs on hands and feet) to help prevent side effect of neuropathy.

Received Benadryl.  Got sleepy.
Drank water.

Tried to stay awake during support group/lunch and was successful even after a 5 minute silent meditation!

Drank water.
Took a trip to el bano.

Wrote out 2 birthday cards and one encouragement card.

Played scrabble on iPhone with my fantastic hubby!

Drank water.

Updated my blog (as you see here).

Drank water.
Tended to matters in the lavatory.

More photo updates taken for family.  (None from inside the bathroom!)

Played cards with my love.

Nibbled on a snack.
Drank water.

Stomach started to hurt.

Drank more water.
Visited the water closet.

More updates to blog before returning to said water closet.

Day of pre-medication, Taxotere, Herceptin, Perjeta, Carboplatin, steroids, etc. complete around 5:30pm.

Left The Block Center feeling hungry and relieved.  We prayed a prayer of gratitude for all of our friends, family, and healthcare team who serve us, strengthen us and are on this journey of healing along with us! 

Dinner with my love at the Original Pancake House.  Ate slowly, one buckwheat pancake, 1/2 an egg, water.

Stomach still hurt but by bedtime which was 730 ish.  Pete rubbed my back for a while and it helped relieve stomach pain.  Then rubbed my feet for relaxation.  Such a wonderful caregiver, this man!

I was asleep before 930 pm but awakened before 1230 am by some girls yelling in the hallway.  Took over an hour to get back to sleep only to be awakened by them again around 330 am and here I am, shopping on-line for scarves for cancer patients and typing away at 530 am, unable to get back to sleep.  I'm feeling pretty good.  No stomach pain-I praise God for this relief!  The soreness in my chest from the port placement is going away.  I look forward to actually showering this afternoon and that may help me feel even better!

As far as side effects.  I'm feeling very weak.  I can tell my taste is changing already as the rice cake with peanut butter I started eating at 1230 am tasted different at 430 am.   I have a slight pinkish tint to my face and neck.  I'm wondering if that's just coincidental or perhaps some kind of rash.  I remember getting this when I took Adriamyacin many years ago.  It's not irritated, it's just pink.
 I'm also noticing a strange sensation in my fingers and toes.  I know neuropathy can be a side effect of Taxotere.  From what I understand this side effect CAN BE long term but isn't always so and The Block Center provides cryotherapy with the Taxotere, as I noted before, in hopes of preventing this side effect or reducing it's overall effect.   I, however, have decided I don't want neuropathy at all!  So, I pass on that.  And otherwise, I am doing just dandy!  In a few hours we shall be heading back to The Block Center where I will receive IV Vitamin C for a boost and my neulasta shot to give my white blood cell count a boost.  Then home!  

Day One, done!


  1. So proud of you. The journey to healing begins!! :)
