Sunday, September 25, 2011


I recently reread my very first post and realized that I have not done all that I said that I would.  My initial intention was to try new things, especially as it pertained to diet and exercise, and to share the results with you.  While I have been trying new things and hinting about these things in my posts I have not out-and-out updated.  So, I will sum up my progress to date.

My Wii fit age, if you will remember from almost 3 weeks ago, was 47.  I have since been working out 3 days a week with Wii fit, doing yoga and some aerobics and as of today my Wii fit age is now 37!  That means my body is getting stronger, not that I have lost any weight, because I haven't.
Exercising with the Wii has been my most consistent and effective change to date.  This is my strong point. 
Weakness #1-food.  I tend to eat what I want, when I want.  Which would be cookies and all the time.  Okay, maybe not all cookies all the time, but sometimes it seems like it!  I have an insatiable sweet tooth and that is my downfall when it comes to eating.
Weakness #2-meditation/prayer/quiet time.  I am finding that the few minutes I may have to myself in the bathroom is where I pause to think, pray, read an inspirational passage, etc.  (I emphasize "may have" because days can go by without time alone even in the bathroom.  Bobby knocks on the door saying, "Hi.  Hi.  Mom.  Hi." which warms my heart but is counterproductive to quiet time).
I have been doing some reading that I enjoy, usually at night when all my guys are asleep and I am awake (don't know why I can't go right to sleep too!)  or  for a few minutes on a day off from work.  This is just a nice way to relax for a few minutes, to slip into a story and allow imagination to transport me.  Yes, I am truly enjoying reading.
The result of all of these efforts and observations have been: some improvement in the quality of the time I spend with those around me-making more effort to be in the moment; becoming more aware of what I am eating and realizing the dire need for a change (my blood sugar has been controlled very well with the new medication, by the way); making the most of any down time to relax or just enjoy 'being'; and really enjoying regular exercise (I feel SO GOOD after yoga!).

So, that is it in a nutshell.  The above is most likely packed with run-on sentences and could have been simply bullet-pointed, but how much fun would that be to read?  I am not where I want to be yet.  I'm not happy with the way that I eat and in the next month will strive to make more changes in that area.
Godspeed to any of you who are attempting to make healthy changes in your own life; Godspeed to you as you bloom.

1 comment:

  1. It'a a journey, not an immediate change! Good for you for doing what you've done -- that's inspiring in itself!
